Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Here are a few interesting facts about the "Old Turkey Gobbler" that you mght find interesting.
In England, during the 1700's, turkeys were walked to market in large herds. Turkey farmers often covered the birds' feet with little booties to protect them on the long journey to the London market. Head ‘em up, move ‘em out.

The "turkey trot" was a dance made popular in the early 1900’s. Conservative members of society thought the dance was demoralizing and tried to get it banned at public function, which only served to increase it’s popularity. The turkey trot was not a graceful dance, as couples danced around in circles bobbing their heads like strutting tom turkeys. Alas, it was soon replaced by the ever so popular "Fox Trot" in 1914.

After the first Thanksgiving in 1621, it took over 200 years before Thanksgiving Day was officially proclaimed as a national day of thanksgiving, praise and prayer in 1863.
I wish you all good cheer on this festive day. Drive carefully, eat heartily and remember to thank our Lord and Saviour for all our many blessings.

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